Thursday, March 20, 2008

Here birdy, birdy...

So, I have this big raucous squirrel foot fern hanging on my front porch. The other day, we caught a glimpse from the corner of our eye through the kitchen window of something moving on the front porch. Joe opened the curtains for a better look and his movement startled away a couple of doves that had been loitering there. "uh-oh, I wonder if they are thinking about nesting in my fern!" I said, and we mostly forgot about it. The next morning as we were leaving for work we noticed one sitting up there. I touched the plant's bottom and for a moment it was like The Birds movie! They were flying around all crazy by our heads. I crept up on the railing and peeked into the plant and didn't see any eggs. I decided that when I got home that night I'd put some chicken wire or something over the plant to keep them from building their nest in it. I've had this plant for a long time and it was a gift, so it has sentimental value...I figured nesting birds might kill it, or I wouldn't be able to water it!

Well I was too late. Last night I ventured onto the porch. I didn't see any sign of them at first glance, but prodded the plant first before sticking my head up there. Wise choice! The two love-birds again created a flurry of wings and cries about my head. I squealed and ran inside, then peeked out at mama bird who sat stunned on the porch rail. I shooed her away and got up and peeked in the plant with my headlamp. Low and behold a precious little egg...just one! I should have taken a picture of it. I wonder if she laid more today. I did get a picture of her through the window, warming her little egg(s). At night her mate comes to join her and they sleep in there together. I hope my fern survives the ordeal.


Rachel Bradley said...

That is AWESOME! And a great picture too, I might add. I'm sorry for any possible damage to your fern that might result but it's considered very auspicious, if you actually believe in such things, to have doves nesting on or near your home. An old wives tale perhaps, but you are doing a service to their little family. It's the male dove that actually decides where the nest will be built. I've seen male doves throwing twigs at porch railings, trying to make their nesting material stick to the lamest nest sites - they're not the sharpest tools in the shed if you know what I mean.

Contrary Colleen said...

Heh - so I was reading, I guess doves in general are pretty lousy nest makers. This is an ideal spot though, there's no chance the egg will fall out and it's quite concealed. I'm looking forward to seeing the hatchling - I saw some pictures of them online and they are darling. I wasn't aware that it was a good omen, but I'll certainly take it as such!