Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mystery Tree

A garden mystery of sorts...when we first moved in we noticed these two little shrub-ish trees growing in the shade of the apple tree. By the way they sprouted up along the fence line, in an almost univited fashion, we kind of assumed they were "weed-trees" so to speak. You know the sort...they sprout up among fences and are extremely hard to eradicate. Even though we could tell they weren't quite the insidious weed-trees we were thinking of we did discuss removing them to make way for other things there.

However, I'm glad we didn't. Last fall their leaves turned a glorious shade of yellow and brightened up the garden tremendously not to mention provided a nice layer of mulch for the winter for the bed below them. I told DH that I wanted to keep them for the yellow alone. Then come spring they sprouted the nicest reddish leaves that turned to green as they matured. And then in a final gift of color...they bloomed! That was unexpected! The flowers are a lovely coral color:

Now I notice my back neighbor does have one of these trees in his yard, so I suppose these two did grow as "weeds" in a way. But I do think I'll keep them. I have no clue what they are...any ideas?
I so look forward to the weekend. Yard work, painting and BBQ's await us.


Rachel Bradley said...

My vote is that it's a Peony. I just got one as a present from Mauricio for Mother's Day - I had been wanting one for a long time and the leaves and flowers look almost identical.

Rachel Bradley said...

I'm changing my vote - I think it's a Flowering Dogwood - it's too big to be a peony.

Gypsy Junk Knits said...

no ideda, but odd of oddest, my mum's tulip tree (the one right outside my old window) has bloomed! For the first time in 20 years. And the flowers are yellow/orange and just rad.

Contrary Colleen said...

Hmmm - some google searching might lead me to believe it's a flowering pomegranite (non-fruit bearing). not positive...