Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

No time! I'm late! I've feeling that way alot lately, hence the lack of posting. Gypsy Junk has been bugging me for pictures but I've been otherwise occupied when I'm at home where all my pictures are! (Forgive me, oh two solitary people who probably are reading this, for posting about things you probably already know about) One of my work parties went off last night. Everyone loved it thankfully, and the food was pretty darned good. We had it at Beckett's Irish Pub in Berkeley and the service was terrific and the ambience even better. I would definately return there, and plan to soon for the Ireland crew reunion and picture swap session. Yes, yes...I know...I haven't even posted any pictures of our trip to Ireland! We went in late May and early June with some excellent friends and had an excellent time. I have many photos to post...perhaps tonight I'll get around to that. Imagine...two posts in one day!!

So aside from that let's see...what has happened since the last post? Nothing much. My other big work event I was working on got cancelled. I'm sad, because I was looking forward to a trip to Seattle even if it was during December. Hopefully next year will bring some more trips up's kind of a nice break in routine. I need to drag hubby up there one of these days...he's never been there and I think he'd like it. Hopefully not too much, because I sure as hell don't want to move there!

Last weekend I managed a trip to Sacramento and Carson City to see friends (for some fun gaming sessions) and parents respectively. This coming weekend I'm flying to OKC to see my brother and his family. Poor hubby gets left behind with the dogs every time!! And heaven forbid he might manage to feed himself while I'm away?? I think not! The poor boy will starve if I don't stay home more. Not that he would be all that excited about gaming and family stuff.
There will be yet another trip to Sacramento soon to finish aforementioned gaming session...after all we are three days into the swamp, haven't finished the task at hand...and yes, I'm a nerd.

All this travelling about has left little time for house/yard improvement. My cabinet doors sit on the table in the garage with only a coat of primer. The unattended dog poo is threatening to rise up and become some kind of dog-poo-elemental force in the backyard which will attack us vicariously through filthy pup paws. And the persimmons...yes I think I'll have to end my post now and try to find some recipes for persimmons before I resign myself to doing expense reports and scheduling stupid meetings for the rest of the day.

Signing off...

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